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Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting - ABIM 2024, 21-23 October 2024

Monday, 21 October 2024

08:3010:00Professional Group Meeting: IBMA Microbials
You can find the presentations made during the meeting here: Member Login - IBMA-GLOBAL
08:3010:00Professional Group Meeting: IBMA Semiochemicals
You can find the presentations made during the meeting here: Member Login - IBMA-GLOBAL
10:3012:00Professional Group Meeting: IBMA Macrobials - Invertebrate Biocontrol Agents
You can find the presentations made during the meeting here: Member Login - IBMA-GLOBAL
10:3012:00Professional Group Meeting: IBMA Natural Substances
You can find the presentations made during the meeting here: Member Login - IBMA-GLOBAL
14:0016:00IBMA Global General Assembly
You can find the presentations made during the meeting here: Member Login - IBMA-GLOBAL

Opening and Welcome note by the Executive Board ABIM AG

Jennifer Lewis, Executive Director IBMA Global
Lucius Tamm, CEO ABIM AG


Bernard Blum Award

All Presentations

Alain Querrioux, CEO Andermatt France, Treasurer IBMA Global 
Helma Verberkt, Managing Director, Artemis

Best Innovative Product Assisting Uptake of Biocontrol:  The Crop Capsule Company for Cotton Cap which targets Silverleaf Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) in broad acre rain grown and irrigated cotton production systems

Gold: Certis Belchim/Certis Biologicals for Toltek, a solution that combats Take-all, one of Europe’s most devastating cereal diseases

Silver: Cearitis for their push & pull combination, Remo/Pira/Samo, a method that effectively targets fruit flies

Bronze: Biotalys for their protein-based solution, EVOCA, designed to protect crops from potentially catastrophic fungal diseases

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

CEST Montreal Auditorium

Session 1: Pivotal Moments in Biocontrol - what's made the difference, lessons learned
Chair person: Herman Van Mellaert, President IBMA Global and Director Strategic Alliances, Biobest NV) 

Pam Marrone, Co-founder and Executive Chair, Invasive Species Corporation
Taking stock of where we are and where we need to go to advance innovation and adoption

Peter Maes, Chief Strategy Officer, Koppert 
Pivotal milestones of Biocontrol in Horticulture

Vicente Dalmau, Head of Plant Health Service, Valencian Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
Biocontrol success stories in Valencia region

Saulo Silva Delgado, Senior Manager Business Development and Innovation, BP Bunge Bioenergia
Sugar cane as an example of the role of biocontrol in sustainable food systems

Asefeh Golreihan, Regulatory Manager, LKC Switzerland Ltd.
Harnessing Precision Farming for Enhanced Bioprotection: Innovations, Applications, and Challenges 

Mark Trimmer, Managing Partner, DunhamTrimmer
Major forces driving biocontrol market expansion worldwide


Workshop: Regulatory Seminar 
Moderators: Emmanuelle Bonneris, Regulatory Manager Europe, Middle East, and Africa of Biosolutions, Bayer SAS and José Carvalho, EMEA Regulatory Lead, Certis Biologicals

Claudio Mereu, Partner, EU regulatory, competition and trade, Fieldfisher Belgium
Legal means to obtain a legal definition of 'biocontrol' and speed up access to the EU market

Emanuele Diniz, Manager - Agro Division, VIGNA Brasil Group
Biopesticides Registration in Brazil - Updates

Shaoli Das Gupta, Biostimulants Regulatory Expert, Battelle
Comparison of Biostimulant and Biopesticide regulations in key African nations

Jochem Rutters, Business Unit Manager,Decares B.V. Trading as Triskelion
Molecular fingerprinting for botanicals

Inge Huygens, Regulatory Affairs Manager, ARCHE Consulting
Sustainable coformulants in PPPs – a regulatory perspective and outlook

Domenico Deserio, Policy Officer, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety
Regulatory update on EU Activities on biocontrol


Keynote and panel discussion Biocontrol and the Future of Farming
Chair person and moderator: Alessandra Moccia, Vice President, IBMA Global and Senior Director of Global Regulatory Affairs, Suterra


Bernard Lehmann, Agricultural and Food Economist, Chairperson of the Foundation Board of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
The role of biocontrol in shaping the future of agriculture

Panel discussion wtih:
Alessandra Moccia, Vice President IBMA Global 
Bernard Lehmann, Agricultural and Food Economist 
Saulo Delgado, Senior Manager Business Development and Innovation bp bioenergy 
Pierre Girard, Science journalist and video-maker ARTE 
Saliou Niassy, Coordinator African Union Inter-African Phytosanitary Council 
Max Schulman, Farmer, Senior Advisor, cereals oilseeds Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) Finland 
Herman Van Mellaert, President IBMA Global and Director Strategic Alliances Biobest NV

12:0013:30Poster session (see pdf posters below)

Session 2: Global Overview of Enabling Policies
Chair person: Bart Sosef, IBMA Council Member and President of Plant Products, a division of Biofirst Group

Ketan Mehta, President, Bio Protection Global (Federation of Companies in Agri Bio Solutions) Founder-CEO, Ecosense Labs. (I) Pvt. Ltd.
The power of policies to instigate change, success stories from India

Edouard Lehmann, Research and Innovation Brokerage Manager, Committee Linking Entrepreneurship – Agriculture – Development (COLEAD)
Better access to biocontrol for LDC organics: securing Annex VI listing under (EU) Reg. 2021/1165 

Geoffroy Moulin, Innovation Manager, Staphyt
An overview of the possibilities to finance innovation

Luca Volontè, Senior Research Analyst, S&P Global Commodity Insights
M&A and multinationals’ investments as a catalyst for growth and innovation in biocontrol

Mette Peetz, European Biosolutions Coalition
Perspectives of the European Biosolutions Coalition


Workshop: RATION I

Dimitrios Karpouzas, Professor in Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly 
Overview of RATION project

Joao Godinho, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Setting the scene for a new risk assessement scheme

Gunter Brader, AIT, Austria ​
Introduction to risk assessment for microbial pesticides and microbiome solutions

Joao Saraiva, Senior Scientist UFZ-Leipzig, Germany 
New microbiome tools risk assessment

Belen Guijarro, Senior Researcher at CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain) Department of Plant Protection, INIA-CSIC 
New tool for Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) analysis of microbial pesticides


Session 3: Regulatory environment
Chair person: Alessandra Moccia, Vice President, IBMA Global and Senior Director of Global Regulatory Affairs, Suterra


Carlos Goulart, Secretary of Animal and Plant Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil 
Madison Le, Director Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
Eric Liégeois, Senior Policy Officer European Commission - DG SANTE 
Saliou Niassy, Coordinator African Union Inter-African Phytosanitary Council 
Maria Trainer, Executive Director Registration Management Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority 


Workshop RATION II

Ofir Ramot, Metabolic Insights, Israel, Leading Scientist
​Introduction to risk assessments for plant extracts, semiochemicals, and pheromones

Judith Epping, PhD candidate Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group (AEW) Wageningen University, The Netherlands 
Botanicals risk assessment

Karine Mouret-Grosbeau, EU and France Regulatory Manager CBC Biogard
Semiochemicals risk assessment

Khalid Amari, JKI, Germany
​Introduction to risk assessments for dsRNA pesticides

Salvatore Arpaia, Research Director ENEA, Italy 
Risk assessment priorities for ds-RNA pesticides


Session 4: Biocontrol Innovations
Chair person: Flavio Lupato, IBMA Council Member and General Manager at Koppert Italy

Annabelle Gilgen, Technical Development Manager, Biocontrol Amoéba
AXPERA: a new biofungicide based on a lysate of the non-pathogenic amoeba Willaertia magna C2c Maky

Ené Leppik, Chief Technical Officer, Agriodor
Control of Sugar Beet Yellows Viruses by Behavioral Manipulation of Aphid Vectors in the Field Using

Marc Letroublon, Portfolio Lead at Bayer Crop Science
Ibisio, a plant-based sustainable solution for replacing synthetic seed  treatments to repel birds damaging

Magdalena Wey, PhD Student, Agroscope Switzerland / ETH Zürich
Attract-and-infest trap to disseminate Metarhizium brunneum in the adult populations of the Japanese

Carlo Boutton, Chief Scientific Officer, Biotalys
The AGROBODY Foundry: Biotalys’ innovative platform to generate novel and sustainable biocontrols

Rebekka Leitner, Expert Process Engineer, Evologic Technologies GmbH
Unlocking a bioherbicide by formulation

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

CEST Montreal Auditorium

Session 5: Attention Agripreneurs!
Chair person: Lucius Tamm, CEO ABIM AG

Session with investors in partnership with Accumont.

Hadyn Parry, Chairman Aphea.Bio, LettUs Grow and PBL Technology 
Eduardo Quemada, CEO Genomics4All 
Pam Marrone, Co-founder and Executive Chair, Invasive Species Corporation 
Gilad Yarkoni, CEO & Co-Founder Platypus 
Caecilia Potter, Founder/CEO VensoGrow 
Valérie Renard, CEO Hedera-22 


Session 6: The Future is Biocontrol
Chair person: Jennifer Lewis, Executive Director IBMA Global

Pascal Chapot, Group Head of Sustainable Agriculture Development, Nestlé
Challenges in sourcing and providing sustainable produce to meet consumer demands

Lieselot Van der Veken, Pro Terra Agro
Biocontrol’s potential to drive regenerative tropical fruits value Chains

Keith Pitts, SVP-Sustainability and Regulatory Strategy, Bioceres Crop Solutions
How farmer programs are supporting farmers to adopt and use biocontrol solutions

Cathy Xi Cao, Project manager of Financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management (FARM) FARM Project GGKP
Agrochemical Reduction and Management Programme

Matthew Pickard, Head of Biologicals and Seedcare Europe, Syngenta
How manufacturers are responding to value chain needs for biological control

Antonio Zem, President of BIOTROP (a BIOFIRST company)
The future of biocontrol…



Poster Session (see poster pdfs below)

Authors presented their posters during the Poster Session on Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 12:00-13:30

NumberTitleFirst nameLast NameCompany
1Re-evaluating of the Potency Bioassay Method for Bacillus thuringiensis Biopesticide Products in TaiwanShang-WeiYangACRI Agricultural Chemicals Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture
3Aprehend®. Novel bed bug control for Europe  Andermatt Group AG
4UPP Biostimulant Range. Targeted to Unlock Plant Potential  Andermatt Group AG
5V12 Product Range. Powering Plant Vitality with Staged Nutrition  Andermatt Group AG
6 CharlotteKlankAphea.Bio
7 BenoitLixonAphea.Bio
8 JavierJofre AmayaAtens
9 ElisaBeitzen-HeinekeBIOCARE
10 SarahReiterBioConsortia
11BioTeam. Collaborating for Excellence in the Horti- and Agricultural SectorSachaStelderBiotech Microbials
12Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) - Remarkable, naturally pollinator safe, botanical one step closer to European marketTomHargreavesBlue Frog Scientific
13 MariiaRyzhenkoBTU
14 SteveEdgingtonCABI
15Capsber® AgriscienceManoj KumarRupaCapsber Global Agro
17COLEAD support for biobesticides registration in APC countries: Beauveria Bassiana case studyEdouardLehmannCOLEAD
18 PeterMc DonaldEcospray Ltd
192H13 - Half the copper - full effectChristinaWörze-nema
20 DorisGusenbauerEnsemo GmbH
21Development of standardised methods to screen the efficacy of novel biological control fungicides against pathogens in vivo and in vitroCarlosAgiusEpilogic GmbH
22Assessing the Endocrine Disruption Potential of Biopesticides, Issues and Possible Solutions?JeanneMillan-BernalERM
23Eurideas Language ExpertsKristinaBitvai-AeberhardEurideas Language Experts
24EU basic substances - new category in plant protectionBuelentSoyalanEvergreen Garden Care Deutschland GmbH
25Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment for Micro-OrganismsFlorianZindlerExponent
26EU Data Requirements for a Biopesticide ApprovalSrinivasReddy ByreddyExponent
27Revolutionising sustainable agriculture with the discovery of superior microbesNataliaTaketaniFA Bio
28 AndreaGonzalezFA Bio
29Aspergillus flavipes as a potential strain for biocontrol of soil-borne phytopathogens1 ChemicalClarissa HamaioOkino-DelgadoFAPESP
30Gene & Green TK: Optimized enzymes for agricultural transitionDavidDaudéGene&GreenTK
31Essential oilsRajulJainGhaziabad Aromatics
32Phytophthora infestans EU43 Biocontrol: PhytoGuard®MaartenKleinGREENA
33Reckoning Bio-Fungicide  GroPro
34Zayin Fungicide  GroPro
35Searching for PGPM inducers of salt tolerance: Fast in vitro selection and evaluation in tomato cultureFrançoisLefortHES-SO University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland  HEPIA
36Investigation of Key Parameters to Adapt Ecotoxicological Testing to Microbial Pesticides - An Example with a Social Insect and an Aquatic InvertebrateJulieMasseIES
37Invertebrate BioControl Agents (IBCA)CarolineReidIBMA Professional Group
38 PatrickKabouwIBMA Professional Group
39 ChristianHeckerIF TECH
40 FernandaCostaIndorama Ventures
41 CarolinSchneiderINOQ GmbH
42 NicolasRisINRAE - Institut Sophia Agrobiotech
43Biocontrol for food security: Characterization of local maize response to entomopathogenic nematodesArletysVerdecia MogenaInstitute of Plant Sciences (IPS),  University of Bern
44Enhanced stability of Beauveria bassiana in CITROFOL® AIJoergKnochenhauerJungbunzlauer Ladenburg GmbH
45 SagarShahKan Biosys Pvt Ltd
46Successful foliar application of Steinernema spp. EPNs to control Lepidopteran caterpillars  Koppert
47 AsefehGolreihanLKC Switzerland Ltd.
48MALDIID - Services for the Agricultural Industry SoilSofieDe MeyerMALDIID Pty Ltd
49microbionAntonioDel CasaleMICROBION - Microbiology Open Innovation
50Milliken Agriculture SolutionsDavidAshleyMilliken & Company
51Fungi plant for healthAdelineBecquerMycea
52 AlexanderBeliaevPacific Northwest National Laboratory / Queensland University of Technology
53 RosariaCampilongoPfBIO Ltd
54Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages as a method of biocontrol for phytopathogenic bacteriaAntonioBernal SoroProbelte S.A.U.
55Biosurfactants and Biologicals to Combat OomycetesNordelyWrightRovensa Next
56CROSSTRAP®:An innovative trap for forestry and green areasFranciscoMartínez CampilloSANIDAD AGRICOLA ECONEX S.L.
57SBM FormulationEmmanuelleJustetSBM Formulation
58Introducing TRIGGRR®: A synergistic biostimulant that elevates crop quality with a unique combination of bioactive compoundsMaartenVanderstukkenSan Agro
59 GiampieroFlaminioStaphyt
60Green BioLumina ToolBox:Luminating the Path for Tomorrow’s BiosolutionsMonaJahaniStichting Control in Food & Flowers (SCFF)
61StrainInSight: a unique private strain collection for novel strain discoveryCharlottePeetersStrainInSight - LM-UGent - Ghent University
62Raising the bar in biological formulations: Syensqo’s chassis solutions for solid and liquid formulationsCélineOrizetSyensqo
63Risk assessment for microbial pesticides and microbiome solutionsBrunoGuimarãesSyngenta Crop Protection
64Microbial volatile organic compounds (WA16) for control of soil phyto pathogens - Patented formulationManojManikandanT-Stanes and Company Limited
65Cultivation of the biopesticide Trichoderma viride using organic wastes as substrates in packed-bed bioreactorsFabíolaRibeiro de OliveiraUFSCar
66 EmilyStoutenboroughValent BioSciences
67Vegenov services for plant healthCarolineLe NeaVegenov
68JointTechnologyNetwork BESTIM: StimulatingPlant Healthin Agroecological SystemsKlerviCrennVegenov
69Continuous flow, multi-layer seed treaters powered by BreezeCoatTMMarkoTrifunovićVensoGrow
70 DawnCalibeoVestaron Corporation
71-76Test your biocontrol, grow your business  Wageningen University & Research
77Plant polyphenolic extract from BERKEM BIOSOLUTIONS® for stored wheat grain protectionAntoine RobertGroupe Berkem
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