Workshops ABIM 2025
To be announced
Workshops ABIM 2024

In 2022, RATION (Risk Assessment Innovation for Low-Risk Pesticides) embarked on a four-year plan to tackle a major EU challenge- the regulatory barriers that limit the full potential and market reach of Low-Risk Pesticides (LRPs).
The project is carried out in 7 work packages and aims to develop a novel, concrete and research-based risk assessment scheme, supported by the necessary guidance on methods and tools, tailored to the specific characteristics of established and emerging LRP solution.
As RATION approaches the half-way mark, we are offering ABIM attendees the chance to learn more at two interactive workshops on 22 October 2024:
13.30 – 15.00 RATION workshop I
Ration overview and snapshot of a new assessment scheme in Europe
Risk assessment for microbial pesticides and microbiome solutions
15.30 – 17.00 RATION workshop II
Risk Assessment for plant extracts, semiochemicals, and pheromones
Risk assessment for dsRNA pesticides
Workshops ABIM 2023
1. Registration best practice
The workshop run by representatives from DG SANTE and ctgb will address questions on biocontrol and low risk in a Q&A discussion format. Key questions will be prepared prior to the event with IBMA members and as time permits additional spontaneous questions may be addressed on the day.
Eric Liegeois, Domenico Deserio – DG SANTE – EU Commission
Anne Steenburgh, Jacobijn van Etten – ctgb (Competent Authority of The Netherlands)
2. IUCLID Registration
- Description of active substance submission process, i.e. link between EFSA, ECHA and IUCLID - Quick word on pre-submission phase
- Description of IUCLID processes, i.e. regular version updates, regular developments
- Go through IUCLID: focused on biologicals, natural substances, pheromones, microorganism, hybrid conventional/microbial
Jeanne Millan-Bernal, Senior Consultant in Regulatory Affairs ERM
3. CABI BioProtection Portal - making biocontrol accessible to growers
The CABI BioProtection Portal will be presented and a demo of its functionality will be provided. The Portal will be highlighted as an open access, global digital resource that showcases all registered biocontrol and biopesticide products to enable growers and agricultural advisory services to identify alternatives to chemical pesticides. The Portal increases the visibility of all biocontrol manufacturer products in a given country, provides educational resources, and is available in English and local languages. In the second part of the workshop, the data hosted within the Portal will be emphasised as a unique and powerful insight into the state of biopesticide product registrations across the globe (with 40 countries currently live). For any given pest or crop, the Portal provides an instant overview of registered products in a country. It can also identify gaps. For example, by highlighting countries where there may be no products registered for an important pest. Similarly, the Portal has the power to highlight where no products exist globally and where research and development may be required to develop solutions. As a third part to the workshop, it will be demonstrated that the data collected is an essential element in the CABI BioProtection Portal’s sustainability plan to guarantee the Portal as an open access digital support tool for farmers and advisory services. It offers the means for CABI to create services and products, allowing stakeholders to benefit from market insights and gain distinct market advantages. In the fourth part of the workshop, there will be an interactive discussion around increasing usage of the Portal within countries in which the Portal is present. This might identify, (1) networks with farmer, advisory, and agro-input dealer organisations (2) communication channels (traditional and digital) used by advisors and farmers through which product awareness could be increased and (3) organisations to collaborate with for promoting digital decision-support tools. Finally, the workshop will wrap up by showcasing the new CABI Academy open access digital learning course entitled ‘Introduction to Bioprotection Products’.
Ulli Kuhlmann, Executive Director, Global Operations CABI
Emma Jenner, Strategic Planning and Operations Manager CABI
4. Investment - Understanding how investors think to develop a successful raise
Getting investment to grow your business is a key business capability often overlooked by many companies. In this session, we will explore how funds, venture capital and family offices are created, how they deploy capital and the eight key criteria they use for due diligence. How to use this knowledge to create a successful raise process.
Paul Streater, COO AgBioScout
Paul Rous, Managing Director Regenerate Ventures